The information below contains the legally required information on provider identification as well as important legal information on this website.
In the legal sense, the provider of this website is the Catholic Youth Welfare Service of the Diocese of Regensburg
Catholic youth welfare of the Diocese of Regensburg e.V.
Director Michael Eibl
Orleansstrasse 2a
93055 Regensburg
Telephone: 0941/79887-171
Fax: 0941/79887-177
Email: kjf@kjf-regensburg.de
Web: www.kjf-regensburg.de
Chairman: Canon Monsignor Dr. Roland Batz
Managing Director: Michael Eibl
Register of associations of the district court of Regensburg, VR 20
VAT ID no. DE133712801
Responsible editor for the website of the institution:
BBW St. Franziskus Abensberg
General manager Walter Krug
Regensburger Strasse 60
93326 Abensberg
Telephone: 09443 709 0
Fax: 09443 709 222
Email: info@bbw-abensberg.de
Web: www.bbw-abensberg.de
Content concept and text
BBW St. Franziskus Abensberg
Tanja Ederer
Dr. Katrin Reich
Only license-free images from WIX.com, Pixabay, B.BW St. Franziskus Abensberg, IDF gGmbH Nuremberg
Design & technical implementation
Tanja Ederer
Dr. Katrin Reich
Created with the WIX.com platform
Cross-references ("links") to the websites of other providers are to be distinguished from our own content. Through these links, we only enable access to the use of third-party content in accordance with Section 8 of the Telemedia Act. When we first link to this website, we have this third-party content checked to see whether they may result in civil or criminal liability. However, we cannot constantly check this third-party content for changes and therefore cannot accept any responsibility for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular for damage resulting from its use or non-use of information from third parties, the respective provider of the site is solely liable.
Declaration according to § 36 paragraph 1 Consumer Dispute Settlement Act (VSBG)
The institution responsible for the facility does not agree to participate in dispute settlement procedures before consumer arbitration boards within the meaning of Section 36 (1) of the Consumer Dispute Settlement Act (VSBG). This does not affect the possibility of dispute settlement by a consumer arbitration board in the context of a specific dispute with the consent of both contracting parties (§ 37 VSBG).
Online dispute resolution in accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find under http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/Find .
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